Wednesday, 6 November 2013

DIY: 101 reasons why i love you jar

Hi Guys,

So the other day i was thinking of some cute presents i could do for my boyfriend without spending all the money. I think making a present for somebody means a lot more then just going out and buying one. I came up with this idea for a 101 reasons i love you jar. It is super easy and quick to make and it looks so pretty after and even looks good enough to be given too as a gift whether that be Christmas, valentines day or any other time of the year. Or even to keep for yourself to keep makeup or anything else in their. (which i might actually just do ha ha)

What you need:
  • A jar (i used an old Yankee candle jar after it had run out)
  • Some love heart stickers (I got the 3D foam stickers because i thought they looked better)
  • 101 reasons why you love your boyfriend, girlfriend, family member or friend
  • Some fake rose petals 
  • Scissors 
  • And Microsoft word/paper
What to do:
  1. Get an old jam/candle jar it has to be big enough to fit all the paper and the rose petals in and soak it in warm soapy water if there is any labels still on the jar or wax inside it and clean it.
  2. After you have cleaned the jar place the stickers on in any pattern or way you want to
  3. On Microsoft word make a table of 101x2 making them all the same sizes mine are 2.47 by 8.15 cm and write a reason in each rectangle. If you are doing this on paper do the same thing and make sure you cut them to all the same size.
  4. You can make the font/color any that you like i just did black writing on a white background and put a little picture of a love heart on each piece.
  5. After you have done that and printed them off you want to cut them all and fold them in half then mix them up with the rose petals and place them in the jar.
  6. Put the lid on and you are done, the perfect present for a loved one!
  • Keep each love note short, e.g. i love you because you make me smile, i love you because you make me laugh etc. 
  • You don't have to use rose petals add their favorite sweets or gems etc
  • On the foam love heart stickers write your loved ones name
  • If this isn't for your boyfriend/husband etc use different foam stickers there is loads of different ones to choose from online or at a crafts store.
I hope this helped and you enjoy making this DIY present.
Love Christina xox

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