Wednesday, 26 February 2014

How to: Decorate a Home Beauty Salon

Hi Guys,

So i started college last September doing a Beauty Therapy Level 2 course. And I found when I wanted to practice at home on friends & family it just didn't seem right doing it over the kitchen table with things that weren't very professional. E.g family bath towels, mixing bowls etc (if you do a beauty course you'll know what I'm on about). I needed somewhere where I could just set something up and practice properly but didn't have much money with only being at college. 

Now if you have a spare room in your house and your parents/house mate have given you the permission to use it then GREAT NEWS, or if you own your own house and can build a little salon in the back yard then even GREATER NEWS!! Luckily for me we had a spare store room at the back of the garage (sounds horrible but it isn't that bad and I haven't found a spider yet! 

First of all I emptied out the room and planned on paper where I would want things to go so I could visualize and start decorating. I picked out some lilac paint I had from years ago (an old bedroom) and painted all four walls (if your really good with things like that you could wallpaper but I'm not that advanced) ha ha. Next I re-painted the skirting boards etc so they looked nice and clean. 

Then you want to start ordering furniture & your products (I'd wait until Christmas or a birthday so you can have extra help from family) I will list what I have in my beauty room and I will try to find a link to all of them. And obviously this changes with what you want to practice at home or what course you do at college. If you,re more bothered about nails get a portable manicure table so you can put it away when you've finished etc... 

  • Manicure Table - (search: portable manicure table) £50
  • Massage Table - (search: portable massage table) £50
  • Chairs - mine were extra from the dining room table
  • Bin - An extra one we had stored already
  • Small drawers - (I picked it up on a grocery shop) £5
  • Large drawers - (search: 10 drawer beauty salon) £26
  • Towel rack - (it was in storage also)
  • Mirror - also in storage
  • Nail polish rack - I made myself (google search: DIY nail rack foam boards)
So once you have your essentials your nearly ready to go, all you need now is your products and accessories. What I'm on about is towels, throws, plastic bowls, picture frames, vanity mirror, canvases, products...

 And that is about it, it's quite simple really and doesn't cost as much as what you think it would. Remember to look on ebay, amazon etc before paying full blown for products etc, as long as you know its safe to use and is professional then that is fine. 
Love Christina xox

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