So in 2013 I was a smoker and I drunk quite often too. I smoked nearly 5-10 a day and drank maybe twice a week. I never ate healthily but never just ate junk food as iv'e always cooked proper meals for myself as that's how I got brought up. But i did eat a lot of chocolate and never drank any water only what i used to make my tea. The problem with the water is that i hate the taste of water. I can and do drink either water with lemon juice in or flavoured water but it can give me heart burn.
So since stopping smoking for nearly a year now i just didn't feel that healthy. Yes obviously i stopped smoking which has a very big impact on your health but i personally didn't feel any different i still got out of breathe coming up stairs and i feel tired all the time which has a lot to do with my diet. I just needed to feel healthy and i suppose you could say my age.
My green smoothie recipe:
So with my smoothie i didn't want to jump right into a full veggie drink just because i think it may revolt me and then i won't try at all. But i did want to add some veggies into my drink. So i put together a recipe i could first drink for my breakfast and with lots of fruit into it. So i put my favourite breakfast fruit together and drink and yoghurt and put them all in a smoothie and i think it tastes AMAZING!!
- Vanilla yoghurt (1 cup)
- Fresh orange juice (1 cup)
- Baby spinach (1 cup)
- 1 Banana
- 5 Strawberries (frozen)
- 3 slices peaches (tinned peaches)
- 5 chunks of pineapple
- 5 chunks of melon
Why these ingredients:
Orange juice:
- Orange juice contains a high percentage of Vitamin C which is really good for boosting your immune system which means it'll be harder to catch them horrible colds etc.
- It can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels and help prevent heart disease as it helps blood circulation.
- It is high in antioxidants which can help prevent various cancers such as breast and prostate cancers.
- It has potassium in it which is a needed nutrient for your body
- It contains Folate which helps in the new cell reproduction which is good for the healing process.
- And contains anti-inflammatory properties which can help with arthritis related pains.
- Packed with vitamins and Minerals such as, vitamin a &c, calcium, phosphorus, potassium good for promoting a healthy body.
- Prevents coughs and colds and if taken while having a cold can help tremendously with getting rid of it.
- It contains manganese which is good for strengthening bones.
- Keep your gums healthy
- Lowers risk of the disease Macular degeneration
- Has anti-inflammatory properties so helps with the pain of arthritis, carpaltunnel syndrome and gout.
- Helps with digestion
- Helps to burn stored fat
- Helps boost short term memory
- Low in calories
- Helps ease inflammation
- Lowers the risk of heart disease
- Promotes bone health
- Anti - ageing properties
- Good for weight loss
- Promote eye health
- Contributes in eye health
- It is high in vitamin c so is very good for your skin
- It is a toxic cleanser so is very good to prevent kidney diseases and ulcers
- Is very low in calories and contains no fat
- Contains vitamins & minerals such as,vitamins a, c, e & k, and minerals calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese and phosphorus.
- works as an anti-inflammatory and is good for digestion and constipation
- works against cancers and heart disease
- Helps with weight loss, as they are sweet and make you feel fuller for longer
- They keep your bowels healthy and keep you regular
- It has potassium in it which makes it very good for a normal heart function
- Keeps your eyes healthy
-Helps prevent against cancers
- It helps prevent strokes and heart disease
- Is very good to maintain beautiful skin
- Helps cure kidney disease and eczema
- Relieves heartburn
- Aids in digestion, prevents constipation, maintains low blood sugar and curbs overeating
- It is anti-cancer
- Anti - inflammatory
- Antioxidant
- Helps keep a low blood pressure
- Prevents against cataracts and age-related eye problems
- Helps fight infections
- It provides moisture retention to the epidermis, thus fighting psoriasis, keratinisization, acne and wrinkles
- Strengthens bones
- Fights against atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and strokes.
- Helps towards a healthy brain function and nervous system
Vanilla Yoghurt:
- Prevents against high blood pressure
- Keeps colds and flu away
- Fights against intestinal infections
- Stregthens immune system
- Helps you recover quicker from a workout
- Helps keep you feeling fuller for longer
Thanks for reading and i hope you enjoy these smoothies as much as i hope i do!
Love Christina xox