Hi Guys, So if your going through a recent break-up, like me. Or need help with a friend who's going through a break-up then i hope my tips on what have helped me and other people i know help you.
Buy a notepad and put a list of all the bad things you can think of about that person and then think "do I really deserve to let myself get upset over someone like this?"
Buy a notepad and put a list of all the bad things you can think of about that person and then think "do I really deserve to let myself get upset over someone like this?"
Motivational quotes stuck everywhere!! On my mirror I had 'you won't feel like this forever' Next to my bed I had 'pat yourself on the back for getting through another day without him' etc...
Wear nice underwear and clothes!! How you dress can effect how you feel e.g. if you dress in all of your exs clothes your not allowing yourself to get him out of your mind, if you dress in black frumpy clothes your mood is going to be down and your going to feel self conscious. BUT if you put on a pair of your best looking underwear and wear your favorite and most colourful outfit it will make you feel confident, motivational, and brighter.
Take all the photos etc down, this is the first thing I did. The photos, memory box, clothes, video games, teddys everything that I could store away I did straight away!! That way you'll have less reminders of that person especially in a place where you are supposed to feel happier etc.
Delete them from social medias and their number etc. I did this so again you don't have a constant reminder of them and so you can't see anything that will hurt you even more. When you break up with them you want to text them a million times asking why and begging for them to come back. That is the worst thing you can do sadly. I luckily didn't know his number off the top of my head so I wrote it down and gave it to my mum so if I needed something like my clothes back etc eventually I could text him.
If you feel like you have to write to him write him an email but don't send it. Save it to your drafts because you will regret sending it and it will make you feel worse and it will save disappointment when they text back saying 'im sorry, really I am' for the hundredth time!!! (also when your over him you have the satisfaction of deleting the email instead of knowing he will)
Read blog posts like this or watch you tube videos about breakups, it makes you feel better that people are going or have gone through the same thing and are alright at the end of it.
It is okay to think about him/her. They were a big part of your life and you probably did have more good times then bad if they broke up with you without reason. And try and think positive that you had that person in your life for a while. Yes it sucks that it wasn't forever but at least you got to share some good experiences and memories with them.
And it's normal to cry, but try not to. If you feel yourself beginning to cry shout at yourself say "no im stronger than this, im not letting him hurt me again" it actually works.
Dreams - i non-stop STILL dream about him every night and there not nasty dreams there days out we've already had together, things we had planned in the future, us getting back together. I just would advise you to make your bed and the space around it the tidiest, safe haven with candles and fairy lights. Just make it comfortable and a place you look forward to going to sleep in. Because if you have a messy bedroom it can play on your mood A LOT! because it doesn't just clutter your room it clutters your mind also and your already going through enough.
Do everything you thought "i won't be able to do without them" if you have a favorite restaurant, shopping mall etc.. go with one of your favorite girlfriends or friends and have a good time. Don't stop doing the things you love just because someone doesn't want to share them with you!
And lastly keep yourself busy and around people that love you unconditionally and remember that you will and can find happiness elsewhere!!!
I can't do this - I can do this
I can't smile - I can smile
I can't be happy -I can be happy
This is just things that are helping me through a bad breakup. People will find different things and some of those things won't help you like they did me. But remember that you will feel better and I hope you do soon also!!
Love Christina xox
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