Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Gel Nails Review

Hi Guys,

So for the past two months i have had gel nails done by my local beautician. I will insert pictures of the two different nails i had done and then one of how my nails looked after. I really liked these type of nails and preferred them over the acrylic ones. But that doesn't mean i wouldn't have the acrylic type again i would just have them if i was going somewhere fancy ha ha. These sort of nails are good if you don't like long nails or your older or nail polish annoys you by its chipping. This is like a nail polish except it doesn't chip, your nails don't break and for me my nails got a lot stronger.

It lasts up to 3 weeks and you can get practically any color depending on what your beautician had stocked. There is also at home gel nail kits online that i may just have to purchase because if your wanting them done all the time it works out a lot cheaper to do them yourself than at the salon. If you would like to know more about how they do it, and just in more depth then ask your local beautician because i'm no professional and can only give you my experience and know how on them.

So this is the two nails i had done. They both lasted me 3 weeks so that's no lie, you can have them with or without the nail art on them. I just thought it was something extra so they weren't plain. I think these sort of nails would be perfect for going on holiday or people that like having there nails done but can't because of their type of job or children etc.

  As you can see the blue ones are the second time i had them done and my nails are noticeablly longer. They grew so fast and they were stronger but not so strong. When i took them off which the second time i did at home, (if you would like a video or tips on taking gel nails of at home comment and i will) they were very weak but i put on some f my Sally Hansen Hard as nails on and filed them so they had no splits etc in them and they are still long and strong now.

So that's my nails a week after taking the gel polish of myself at home. If i didn't put the hardner on they would of snapped so i would recommend getting one of them because you do take the polish of with naul polish which is bad for your nails.

Anyway i hope this helped you and i will speak to you tomorrow,

Love Christina xox

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