So this time last year David was dropping me off at work and on his way back to camp to go to Afghanistan. We had only been together 2 days and only dating for a few weeks, but i agreed to wait for him. I knew what i was getting myself into and what i had to do/be like in order to take our relationship to that level. It takes a lot of trust and patience and love to do something like that. But you know when you have met someone that you would do ANYTHING for them and to be with them. And if it meant waiting 7 months then so be it. I knew it was going to be worth it, and it definitely was. But it was also one of the scariest things i had put myself into. People were saying good things about it and some were saying bad, but it doesn't matter what they say as long as you have people there to support you in the decision your making, do what your heart wants you to do.
I remember when he dropped me off at the town center where i used to work and i thought i was fine but as i started walking and he drove off i felt like i was going to collapse like a part of me was being took away and i felt something that i had never felt before and i was stood in the middle of the high street forcing tears back not knowing whether to slap my self or chase after him ha ha. But i knew nothing was going to change him going it was his job and he had a duty to call for. So i got to work and could i concentrate, could i ek... I locked myself in the loft where all the stock was and just sat there and thought about him. I just wanted to be at home, there for him at any time he needed.
So i left my job, i knew it was the right thing to do. I couldn't focus on my job and supporting David. So throughout the 7 months i did a few weeks training but that was all... We talked nearly everyday, if the internet etc wasn't down i was talking to him (and obviously when he wasn't working) at all hours too. Pages we'd write to each other i don't know how we did it. We just never got bored of talking there was always something to talk about. And it was good it kept him distracted and happy for the little while and also me. We also wrote letters to each other, it was different then face book i felt closer to him because there was something of mine there with him. I sent him packages of all his favorite things, fun stuff. Just so i knew he was smiling that meant the hole to me. Knowing he was smiling.
Before we knew it 2 1/2 months had past and he was coming home on his R&R. Jeeez was i happy to have him home ha ha. Well i was happy with him being home but the fact he turned up at half 4 in the morning that i wasn't happy about. We had the BEST time ever! We visited his mum down in wales for a long weekend and it was so cosy and shes so lovely. Then we went to his hometown near London for a week and met his new baby nephew and he is the cutest ever!! And we went to Madame Tussauds, Sealife, London eye etc... then we spent the rest of it up at mine and before we knew it he was saying his goodbyes again.
The rest of the months were tougher because it was our first christmas, his birthday, new years, etc... But we did it and hes back and safe and im never letting him out of my sight again!! ha ha. And if you reading this david, I am so so proud of you and you are the best person in the world and you deserve every good thing in the world to happen to you for doing your part for this country. Your the nicest most selfless person i know and i am so proud to call you my boyfriend and i will be forever. I love you to the moon & back :)
Sorry if you think this is a bit long or sad. But it helped me a lot reading this sort of stuff from other military girlfriends etc. And i wanted to do the same for anybody else out there that's in the same position i was in.
Love Christina xox
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