Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Tips for being with a deployed soldier

Hi guys,

So today i thought i would share with you some of my tips on keeping a free mind and not over thinking etc etc. Now i know we are only human and the person we love is going away for a long period of time not just on a business trip abroad but to war. But you have to keep your head high and stay strong not just for yourself but for your soldier too.

  • Write letter's or keep a diary. - Now some people find it hard to speak out to people or might feel like they don't have anybody to speak to. I had nobody in my life that had been through this and all thought i was crazy. And sometimes its just not enough talking to your loved one. I found writing my feelings down helped a lot and sometimes to David and sometimes in a diary. It helps clear a lot of thoughts from your brain. 
  • Plan for the future - I don't mean book holidays etc i mean talk about the future, plan on doing something fun and rewarding for you both for when they get back. If you have something to look forward to it makes time go by quicker and makes you smile!! 
  • Keep him involved - If you need help with something ask him. A man loves to feel needed for something and just because he isn't there physically doesn't mean he isn't mentally. Especially if he's already the man of the house. 
  • Have me time - Its important that you have time to yourself, you need to relax maybe take a long bubble bath or a pamper night or a girls night (you get the idea) Your partner wants you to still be happy. He'd still play xbox if it was the other way round!! ha ha. 
  • Send him/her things - Whether it be a card, letter, parcel. You'd be surprised how happy it makes them by receiving things. And you feel like you've accomplished something too. Plus it keeps you busy and it gives you an excuse to go shopping!!

I really hope this has helped and if it has please let me know, or if you have any tips that you think could help too then do tell. And anybody whos reading this that does have a loved one deployed or you yourself or have been deployed. I just want to say thank you so much for everything you have done and i hope you stay safe and every good happens to you too, because you all deserve it!!

Love Christina xox

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